I will never use your feelings against you

After seeing Imogen walking away, Kyrie turns back to look at the garden. The sky has turned dark. Although holding a lamp, Kyrie does not turn it on. Instead, he stands motionless in the darkness and feels the breeze of the night brushing gently at him. He shivers a little from the cold. 

His heart is heavy, but he has made his decisions. From the beginning until the very end, Kyrie will never give up on Ian. If something is blocking his way, he will do anything to overcome it. 

[Ian deserves a happy ending.]

He looks towards the sky, and stars start to brighten as the sky turns darker. He reminds himself that even in the darkest of nights, there are still stars. Even if he cannot see them one night, he might see them in the next. He smiles at the stars even though his heart is bitter and heavy. 


Recognizing the voice, Kyrie turns towards Ian, who has entered the garden to look for him. 

"What is it, Ian?"