Royal decree

Laurel studies Kyrie's expression because she knows that Kyrie would not enter the gates due to his soul's condition. However, she couldn't find the same anxiety that she feels inside even though she could enter the gate. 

'It is the mentality,' Laurel remembers what her brother Tobias often said, '... that makes humans different even with the same kind of circumstances or even worse.'

"That is right," Kyrie weakly smiles, "If the first gate is successfully closed, then you will be entering into the demon continent for the next five gates."

The marquis and marchioness have forgotten how to breathe after hearing that the next gates are in the demon continent. After all, the wars between humans and demons have deeply ingrained into every humans' heart. Even though time has eroded a lot of the fear that once was felt, the stories passed down kept the tight grip of fear throughout the races that went against the demon race.