
Ian puts his head to the wall while looking up at the ceiling, cast by a strip of moonlight from the prison window. Water condenses on the uneven and rocky top, forming drops of water that drip down once they carry too much weight, and another sphere starts to form, causing a never-ending cycle. When he moves his leg, the sole of his shoe rolls the little rocks scattered on the prison floor. The rodents that inhabit the place would squeak as their light footsteps sound in the background. 

Ian closes his eyes to shut a memory down from his mind, but it is of no use. His mind keeps on replaying Cynthia's words over and over again.


Cynthia smacks her lips together, "Well… Let's see how Kyrie handles this situation. Erebus told me not to touch him, but he never said anything about you."

"Why…" Ian murmurs before raising his voice higher, "Why are you doing this? It doesn't match your objectives."