Collecting debt

King Aria looks at his attendant again, "Where is the second prince?"

He tabs impatiently on the arm of his throne in the audience room. Just half an hour ago, the king received the second prince's request to talk about the second faction crisis. 

"There is still no reply, your majesty."

King Aria slams his fist on the throne, "That foolish son! How long is he going to make me wait for him? I have spoiled him too much! If he is just half of what the first prince is, I would not be cleaning after him!"

He lets out a breath of anger. Yesterday, the phantom guild has made its first move in the kingdom after remaining inactive for so long. The headmaster suddenly withdraws the trading agreement for their artifacts. After that blow, the Guild of Clytia also withdraws their mana stone trade agreement which has managed to shake the entire kingdom's very foundation.