Our boss is foolish!!!

Since the Grand Duchy of Halinas has a new heiress, the late Princess Fiona's mourning has also proceeded smoothly. For a month, all members living or serving in the palace, including the grand duchess, have worn black for her loss. The curtains are hung black, and all the decorations are taken down.

The mourning month has given Lemuel time to fully accept his sister's death before joining the phantom guild. Kyrie and Laurel have left in advance to the guild, leaving Federline to bring Lemuel after the month of mourning. Once in the guild, Kyrie collapses from the aftermath of ingesting too many mana stones to stabilize Laurel's dangerous state. The fool has been holding in until he has gone past the doors of his own territory to pass out. Kyrie has stayed in a coma for a little bit more than a week, almost causing Laurel to pull out all her hair from the stress.