Physical and mental distress compensation

Meanwhile, after Lemuel gets taken away by Sulfrid, Kyrie and Laurel remain in their seats, silent for the majority of the time. Their minds are somewhere else as they keep on sipping from their glasses, taking alcohol as if it is water. 

Kyrie starts to hiccup, drawing Laurel's attention away from her mind. Kyrie flushes from mindlessly consuming too much alcohol. She rests her chin on her palm and giggles since she finds their sorry state a bit comedic.

"Those bastards have not returned a single letter…" Kyrie opens up what he feels since his brain has already cut the circuit of reason, "Heartless bastards… I bet this is your wife's doing!"

Laurel chuckles when Kyrie calls Imogen, her wife, and she covers her flushing cheeks, feeling embarrassed. After processing Kyrie's words, Laurel is then aware that Kyrie has just badmouthed Imogen.