Why are you avoiding me?

After Osiath's loss in the first round, the seventh prince is doomed to lose the chance of taking the Midnight Queen back to the empire. No coercion and offer the seventh prince could move Lord Analybe and the paladin's heart. Thus, the prince resulted in underhanded methods. 

If he cannot get it with clean hands, then there is more reason to get it through other means. 

The prince orders to steal the Midnight Queen by breaking into the highly guarded greenhouse. However, to his surprise, once he is just a few steps away from holding the flower, the prince finds out that it is protected by no other than the Analybe's family heirloom. This heirloom is the same relic that erected a barrier that separated the protectorate from the demon continent. And like any heirlooms, only those who have the Analybe bloodline can control the relic. 

Kyrie finishes reading a letter regarding the seventh prince's movements and pinches the bridge of his nose.