
Kyrie weighs his eyes on Lin, and his entire being boils with rage. Lin should have been that important person that Kyrie wanted to remain in the past, cut off cleanly after that tragic chapter. Now, this very person stands in front of him as if all that pain and agony is just his own made belief. Even though this small voice or alarm continues to remind him that he is still in a crisis, the events of that chapter consume his mind. 

The images of his mother mercilessly flash in his mind's eye. Kyrie tears up while remembering that pitiful wilting figure, and his heart continues to sink. Kyrie couldn't bring forth joy finding out that his father is alive. This person has so heartlessly left him and his mother to face so much harassment because this man tried to play the hero.

Lin's eyes harden at his son's pale face. He quickly stares at the pile of debris where the witch is under, and he steps closer to Kyrie.