Fairy circle

It has been two weeks since Ian has told Kyrie about the curse, and the news has taken root in Kyrie's mind. For as long as he remembers, Kyrie has always viewed problems to be paired with solutions. He usually fixes things or leaves problems that he cannot solve. 

However, this time, he is facing something that he has no idea what to do about, and it is unthinkable to let that problem go. After all, the problem is about Ian, and Kyrie knows that before he lets anything happen to Ian, those things would have to pass through his dead body first.

Kyrie looks at his hands and hates helpless throbbing inside his chest and mind. 

[Was I thinking so highly of myself to believe I can change something as grand as fate? Did I get ahead of myself?]

Kyrie brings his attention away from his thoughts when he hears the crunching noise of brittle wood chips on the ground. Ian sits next to Kyrie with some wild sweet potatoes that he has found from the forest.