One can never be too cautious

"Looks like they are not coming," says Cynthia while looking at the horizon for the familiar figures of Imogen and Ian. She is also expecting Kyrie and his little group to come, but even when the sun has reached the highest, no one else but Cynthia, Sil, and the demon puppets occupy the spot in front of the sixth gate.

Sil is sitting on a pile of bodies, looking where Cynthia has been watching. Except for some men that different kingdoms have dispatched, there are no signs that Kyrie and the rest would come.

Although they are aware that Kyrie has entered the White Forest in search of the Fae Kingdom, they are not expecting that it would take so long to the point of missing the sixth gate.

"Aww, Sil… You won't see your loverboy…." Cynthia giggles, "Now, I am very curious as to the reason why they want to meet the Fairy Queen."