Between the queen and the goddess (I)

Coming out of a bath, Ian looks around the dark bedroom for Kyrie. They should be in the wee hours of the night, but in the Fae Kingdom, the sun is just setting on the horizon. Ian is sure that the kingdom is located somewhere far from the White Forest since there is a difference in time, but the entrance is oddly located specifically in that forest for a reason.

He dries his hair with a towel as he walks out in a robe. Although he has lived outside for innumerable years during his travels with Imogen, Ian feels particularly tired today. 

He forgets it soon after noticing that he cannot find Kyrie in the room. He walks closer to the bed to sense a gentle breeze from an open window. He stumbles across a pair of slippers next to the open window and leans out while holding the window frame to look upwards. Kyrie is sitting on the rooftop, deep in thoughts while looking at the setting sun.