The ravens

After Musa runs away from Ian's wrath, they overhear the table close to them, talking about a weird sugar cane forest. Kyrie puts his index finger on top of his lips as his companions quiet down.

"Sugar cane forest? There is such a thing in this drought?"

"It has to be that there is a massive spring underneath! Don't you remember that we are actually above the alchemist queen's tomb!"

"Don't you think it is ridiculous? The entrance is so far away from the actual forest! I thought sugarcane needed tons of water! Maybe people are bluffing…."

"No, no! I went there two days ago, and the forest exists!"

"What? You went there?!?!"

"Not inside because some friends warned me!"

"What? That's a waste of a trip then!"

"I was too scared! Haven't you heard the rumors about that place?"

"No…. What about it?"