
Robbing in Cameron's house

Al grimaced, remembering the insults he had to suffer from Cameron, his previous employer. Right now, after a sound victory over Cameron's guards and inside Cameron's house, he felt good and confident. The Falcons could make a comeback to crime by robbing Cameron, and he could have some satisfaction by killing Cameron and his family.

He moved silently with his two comrades, when all of a sudden he heard a movement in the dark. The light was suddenly switched on, and Al suddenly found himself staring at the frightened face of a young eight-year old girl, who was holding a glass of water.

Before they could make any move, the girl let out an ear-piercing, frightened scream that apparently woke up the whole Cameron household. Leaping towards the girl, Al caught her by the throat, and thrust his pistol towards her forehead.

"What the hell is going on here?" said Cameron sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Hands up, Cameron, otherwise your little girl dies."

"Hands up everyone," shouted Buck.

Soon all the Camerons were gathered together in the corner of the living room.

"Now," said Al joyfully, "Ace, start emptying the rooms."

There was no response. Al quickly glanced backwards and frowned. There was no Ace.