
"Why.....Who did this?!?" Clay shouted.

A coughing noise came from the house collapsed on his left. Rushing over he tried out his new ability, shadow manipulation, creating a pillar of shadows to lift the rubble.

"Than-k you for saving me." A voice coughed out.

"Hurry on out, my mana is getting low." Clay coughed from the smoke.

Sara crawled past the pillars of shadow and got up.

"Your-r still alive?" Sarah coughed out.

"Uhh ya and I got some new things..." Clay trailed off. "Here."

Casting a heal on Sara, Clay noticed that her difficulty breathing and shallow injuries disappeared.

"How are you still alive?!?" Sara panicked. "I watched you plummet off that cliff."

"Well I am." He stated. "Tell me what happened here."

"Bandits, they were hunting the alpha and were quite unhappy when we stole it from them. The leader is a level 42 fire mage that used a sword and shield, he said his name was Garth melodous." Sara cried out as she broke down crying. "They killed everyone!"

"Where did they go?" Clay asked bluntly.

"You can't-"

"I said where did they go!" Clay shouted. Lowering his voice he asked "I am sorry but where did they go?"

"That way." Pointing off to the south.

"You stay here and rest, I will be back."

"You will die! I can't sleep knowing I got you killed."

"Don't worry." Clay said, shooting her a smile. "I just want to have a nice conversation with them."


Setting off in a flat sprint Clay was able to run faster then most Olympic sprinters could.

'Nice upgrade to speed I guess, and this boots are quite nice' Clay thought as he dipped and dived through the dense jungle like foliage of the forest.

Clay stop in his tracks and mentally slapped himself. Activating dark teleport Clay felt the tingling sensation as the world was one again went black with speckling of lights.

"Which one?" Clay mumbled looking into each little mirror. Finally after a few minutes of searching he found one that seemed to lead next to a camp.

"Bingo." He said as he hopped out, the mana fatigue of using so much at once gave him a massive headache.

'Ouch, I might need to wait a few minutes.' He thought. Lying by a log on the ground Clay feel asleep.


Hours passed as Clay slept, finally waking up to find the camp was still there.

Rage burned within him, the fire of a thousand suns.

Creeping on the edges of the camp Clay noticed a lack of animals. 'Must be too hard to get anything through this foliage I guess.' He thought.

Thirty-five in total were sprinkled around the camp with the sun about to set in the distance. Grabbing his kunia chain from his inventory Clay stepped forwards onto a hill above the camp.

"Killing a village of innocent people was not necessary just because things don't go your way." He shouted.

"Who's this twerp?"

"Where did he come from?"

"Looks like we missed one boy!"

A dangerous glint entered Clay's eye.

"I warned you." He shrugged.

Raising his hand dozens of black spikes leapt from the shadows around the camp impaling the bandits standing around. Screams rang out as dozens were injured or in the case of the lucky few, killed through the heart or brain.

"You are all trash! Unworthy of existing, none of you are above level ten so it amazes me that you need your precious leader to do everything for you!" Clay shouted. Jumping into the chaos Clay had no real training with his blade so every swing felt clunky and rough but he had no need to be good as the kunai on the end of the chain tore through armour as if it were paper.

Blood sprayed everything as the ground became soaked a crimson red. Clay blade blurred, tearing through skin, muscle, and even bone, those who didn't die immediately from blood loss started to scream as nightmares took over their mind.

"Not so fun on the other side of the slaughter is it?" He asked in a mocking tone. Releasing his spikes to regenerate mana the bandits crumpled to the floor. Turning around Clay saw he got through 15 bandits in less than thirty seconds.

'Damn.' He thought. 'This blade is amazing'

"All of you who want to live come to stand in front of me!" He commanded. Slowly, those who could get up came to fall at his feet.

"Where is you leader?" Clay asked. When none of them responded He kicked the closest one in the head. A spray of blood was all that was left of the bandits head.

'Got to watch my strength' he mentally noted.

"No need to be so brutal." A gruff gravel filled voice stated. "I am right here."

Garth (human/fire mage) lvl.42 725/725HP 650/650MP

'Now I can see both stats and boy is this guy tough.' Clay huffed.

"Nice of you to show up." Clay said.

"Sorry I was a little caught up. You can run now and maybe I will let you live." He said laughing.

Clay got into a fighter's stance. "Let's do this."