Where is the peace (18)

Miran opens his eyes, only to see the garden that he saw yesterday, with the same setting as that day, all those delicious snack arranged in the same way as before. The butler, Julian were pouring a hot chocolate drink into his cup.

The fragrant smell, the sweet snack, Miran did not feel an ounch of feeling of wanting to try them. He looked at the front blankly without any change in his expression.

"Attention, the King has arrive!" One of the servant make an announcement. The butler stepped aside and with everyone they bowed to the direction of the garden entrance.

"Stand down. I'm here to visit my son." The deep voice of an adult man can be heard, Miran did not move despite that and were still staring In front. "I heard that my son was sick." The footsteps came closer and stopped by the chair next to Miran.

"Miran, let father see you." The king said and he lifted Miran before he put him in his lap, and checked him, his temperature and so on. Seeing that his soon was not responding to him, the king frowned. "Miran?" He called, once and the twice.

Seeing Miran not responding, the King face changed and he called for the imperial doctors for a full check up. Only to receive a result that Miran were diagnosed with a mental illness.

Seeing Miran as such, the King went up and left, leaving Miran on the bed with the servant and butler. "Oh our poor young master." The butler mutter with a sad expression, eyes were full of tears. While with one hand he covers the smile blooming on his lips.

With that, the king never came back again, he appointed a new young butler for Miran when Julian, the old butler came with a request to retire. As for the servants, seeing how their young master fall out of favor, their treatment also become rougher, which resulted in them mostly transfered to the other places.

It was just a month before Miran turned to four year old, where a lowly maid was then appointed as Miran personal maid, and along with that came the order for the banishment to that secluded villa.

Face no longer as plump, and eyes as empty as a dead fish, hair was unkept, Miran no longer looked like that lively child. "..." Miran looked at Shina, who were packing Miran baggage while she were crying her eyes out.

Ryan were making a list of the items that were to be brought over, despite the banishment order, the King seemed to give a lot of other things for Ryan to take together.

Supposedly as soon as he turn into four years old, they will have to leave the castle.

Supposedly they three of them will be living together in that villa, but this time another boy were following them to that villa. Looking at him, it was Klein, the younger Klein. He was actually 3 years older than Miran, but since he seemed to lack nutrition, he was as short as Miran during that age.

Thus start the life for the four of them in this small villa.


Five years later, two young boys can be seen at a small flower field on a small hill. They were sitting in a mat with a basket of sandwiches.

The black haired boys turned to look at a blonde haired boy. He smiled when the blond boy fed him some of his sandwich. "How does it taste?" The blond boy asked as he ruffled the hair of black haired boy.

"It's delicious, big brother always pick the best one" the black haired boy said with a laugh and took another bite, as he commented how delicious it was.

This time, Miran, who were happily eating, looked at Klein. He choose to only stay at this villa, refusing to go to school as he thought that this is the better way to live in a comfortable and peaceful life.

And it was as according to what Ran want, to enjoy is life with this small family of his, even after the addition of Klein, it just felt as if it was natural, like a proper family.

He accepted Klein as a big brother, even though Klein is always spoiling him a lot, always giving him what he want, and despite the small complaints from Klein, he never refused Miran silly request.

To the point that Miran feels quite attached to Klein, especially upset when Klein had to go to school.


He was not sure why he feel somewhat attachment toward Klein, but being close to Klein does give Miran a peace of mind, even before he was resetted. That feeling makes him want to get close to Klein.

It was all great until one year later, when Klein came back for a holiday break of the school.

The book that Miran were holding, dropped the the floor when he saw the accompanied person by Klein side. It was the person who looked just like him, it was his twin brother, Siran.

"That, is that Miran?" The twin brother, Siran stared at Miran with a wide eyes. He saw that Klein nodded his head, confirming, he ran to Miran with a happy and excited face. "Miran!" He called after he hugs Miran.

"S-Siran?" Miran took a step back after he was released from the hug. His heart beats really fast that he can hear them, with trembling hands he reached and touched Siran face. "Alive, you're alive...!" He said with trembling lips.

"Yes, and I came to see you! Klein said that I looked exactly like you, so I put my guess." Siran said with a smile, he hugged Miran again. "Miran, our father called for you to come back." He said with a smile.

Miran froze, he looked at Siran,"..." He took a few steps back, backing away. "I'm not returning, Siran, go back to father." Miran said while he stare at Siran.

If he follow Siran back, that wish will be ruined, but with Klein being here, he would be unable to run away, he cannot go anywhere, he cannot simply leave Shina and Ryan.

He also simply feel very distressed to part with Klein for this kind of reason. His hands clenched close to where his heart is as he stared at the two of them.