Where is the peace (20)

Opening his eyes, Miran sat up and look around. He wipe away that little bit of sweats on his forehead and then get off bed.

He was currently alone in the big room, the curtain was already opened, and the morning sunlight came in giving a refreshing warm into the room.

Both Siran and Klein is not in the room, and on the table there are already a pair of new clothes for him to change into. "..." He went to take a shower, and when done wear the new clothes, he waited for the servant to come to lead him to the dining hall for breakfast.

It took awhile for the servant come, it seemed that he was the last one since the other young boys from yesterday were already at the dining hall, only waiting for him to sit.

Luckily for him, the king has not arrive yet, so he was not embarrassed, even though other boys were giving an unpleasant look toward him. Though Miran was a bit puzzled as to why they seemed to aim him.

Shaking his head a bit, he sit down at one of the availability seat, which is just by the side of where the king would sit.

The table were full of delicious food, and for breakfast it was a very sumptuous one. He sit upright and waiting together with them, even though he was already feeling quite hungry.

Some of the boys reached over after they were unable to hold on for long, though they took a small piece from the plate, the surrounding servant would give them weird glances, even though they did not notice it.

Just after they eat the food, guards came in and brought them away, leaving the one that stayed still patiently. They snickered as they watch those impatient one gone, and taking a deep breath they calm down and put a poker face.

Miran only watched while sighing inside, seeing how such small little thing can even be an issue. Yes it was rude to eat first before the king come, but not everyone have manners and they probably will took some time to be able to adapt to how to behave in this kind of place.

"The king has arrived" announced one of the servant, immediately after everyone stood up and give a bow as the king walks into the dining hall toward his seat.

"Ok, sit down." The king said with a wave of his hand, but no one sat first, waiting for the king to settle in his own seat. Once he did, they all elegantly sat down with a small smile on their face, showing their best attitude and friendliness Infront of the king.

The king took the fork and knife, and fresh and warm dish were put in front of the king. He lower them and started to cut the meat in the plate, with followed by everyone finally started to proceed eating.

"..." Miran scoop some creamy mushroom soup and took a sip, he swallowed them even though it was already become rather lukewarm after the waiting for the king. Unconsciously he glanced at the king with some blame in his eyes.

He looked away soon after and went to eat the salad, decided to focus on his own food instead of watching other people.

The other boys saw the king showed a smile for a short time when he noticed that Miran glanced at him. Though it was only for a moment, they all know that this means that Miran is the king current favorite one to be chosen as the throne heir.

Unsatisfied, one of them accidentally spilled a half filled cup of hot coffee toward Miran, startling everyone as it hits Miran right hand.

"Servant! Take him to the treatment room!" The king said with a frown when he saw the red burning on Miran skin.

Miran was just going to say that he is fine, but one of the servant already carry him like one would toward little boys, and bring him away. That servant are too fast that he did not manage to speak up.

He could only watch his half eaten food waved a good bye to him. "My food..." He mutter with sad face.

"Don't worry young master, we'll bring them to your room after this" the servant said with a smile. Not long after they arrive at the treatment room. The doctor give him ointment to apply at his hand, and explain that it should be better within a day or two.

After he received the treatment, he was then brought back to his room. While they were walking, he overheard the maids gossiping, it seemed that another one boy failed and he was ushered out.

Counting back, from yesterday, there were 15 boys including him. During breakfast just now, three of them already got taken away by the guards. Then if there was another one taken away, now only left 11 of them.

Miran sighed, he does not see the point of him having to stay here if he himself did not wish to fight for that throne. As for his father, the king, reaction earlier, it was not that he totally did not expect it, but nevertheless he was a bit startled.

The king from what he remember during his childhood, he usually would put up a front, he did not play with his sons, did not show an overly concern toward their well being. So it feel weird to be cared like this when he is now older.

Shaking his head, he watched the servant leave the room after he successful send him back to his room. Miran hold his stomach, still feeling hungry, he stare at the door, but even after 10 minutes later, the said food did not arrive.

"..." He feel agrieved, but then remember that it might be that the others has not yet finish eating, which could be why it was late. "Ugh, I can't wait" he muttered and get of bed. He walked to the door and peeked outside.