Where is the peace (23)

It's been a week since then, Miran were forced to stay in the room, they were not letting him take even a step out.

The guards were dispatched to stand around the area, with their amount is more than 10 people. They guarded the door, the balcony, even some stayed in the smaller room just beside that room as they standby for any issue.

The food were send to his room by the guard instead of the servants, the new clothes will only be provided after he finish washing up, as for the room cleaning service, only a single maid were tasked to do this, and while she was doing her task, three guard would be inside the room standing by Miran side.

As for right now, it was morning, the outside looked really nice to take a stroll, but on a study table that was put recently in his room, there were a bunch of thick books on it arranged neatly.

The king sent this to him, telling him to study about how to run this kingdom, how to rule, and so on. However he did not send him a teacher to teach this, only expecting him to learn through the book by himself.

Miran did not touch them even a moment, he only glance at them and just went to the balcony to enjoy the sunlight, ignoring whatever the king want him to do.

Due to his stubbornness, Siran and Klein came to check on him again. He tried to persuade Miran but Miran also ignore him. Siran gave up soon after and went to Klein for help.

Klein looked at Miran, shaking his head, he suggested them to study together instead, by which Miran finally started to read because of Siran company.

This causes Klein and Siran to have to come by every single day, until he will be willing to study by himself. And Klein, he treated the two of them like how a big brother would, giving encouragement and also a bit of pampering whenever the two of them doing it good.

He knew that in this way, it will motivate these two, and the result of the study time would be better than yesterday. Especially when it was Miran.


Bored, pressured, and lifeless...

Miran looked at the happily smiling Siran, asking Klein about some topic in the book, and receive some pat from Klein as they talked.

He felt now that instead of accompanying him, the two of them are in their own world. He felt a slight sting in his chest whenever he watches them, and recently it feel rather unbearable and painful as the frequency is increasing.

Shaking his head, he looked at the current book that he was holding, ignoring the two people.


It was sudden, he froze in his seat, his head feels hurt too, and it was hard to breathe, turning his head toward them, he tried to speak with difficulty, but no voice came out as the headache worsened.

Miran feel as if his head were going to explode, with the immediate pain hitting him, he threw away the book and held his head, startling the two of them.

"Hey what's wrong?" Klein went to Miran and looked around Miran, he checks him and saw that Miran looked pale, with his lips trembling.

"Leave me alone!" Miran mutter with heavy breathing, he did not look up at Klein, but asked him to back away when he heard Klein voice.

"No, I need to check you." Klein did not move back, but he instead bend down on his knee and reached for Miran hand, noticed that they were cold as ice.

"Let go! Let gooo!" Miran looked straight at Klein and pulled his hand away. Taken aback, Klein saw the condition of Miran.

"Quick, call the doctor!" Klein shouted at the guard as he lift Miran and put him on bed.

Siran went to see and saw that Miran eyes were bloodshot, his face is red, and he was gritting his teeth. there were veins popping on his forehead and neck, as if they were pressured by something.

Miran body were icy cold when Siran accidentally touched during the time he pull a blanket onto Miran. Tremblingly, Siran reached for Miran hand and held them, he felt as sudden pain in his own chest when he saw Miran in this state.

His sibling, his brother, he probably was unable to really accept that he was defied of his freedom, and being locked in this room seem to cause him a lot of stress. He knew it was wrong to push Miran into the throne when Miran himself does not want this, but the king has agreed to his request, so it was not easy to let this go.

"Miran," Siran looked at the tightly held hand, "just close your eyes, don't think too much" he said and bit his lips a bit


Looking at the ceiling, it was a bit dark. He looked at the side and saw that Siran were sitting by his side, it seem that he waited for a rather long time as he looked tired, and was sleeping like that.

"..." Miran sat up, he feel weak, but still manage to get some strength to move and get down. Standing up with a shaky leg, he took off the cloak that Siran wore, and put on himself.

He cover his clothes with the cloak and then went to the door. The guards were still there at the door, but they let him pass through when he step out.

They gave him a salute as he walk away, and continue to guard the door. No one else stopped him as he walk toward the back of the castle.

It seemed that Siran were given a free access to all place and also no restrictions, as a former crown prince he also seemed to receive respect from all the working staff in this castle. It just silly of him to let go of his position for his love for Klein.

But love is unreasonable, and Miran feels that he could understand that, but he does not want to be used as a replacement. It is enough to know that someone who he has liked since early on only thought of him that lowly.

Passing through the back garden gate, Miran walked into the forest, leaving this castle yet again.