is it not true (2)

Vann and ginny went to take a meal together at their canteen, while walking side by side with the tray of food, vann looked around for any empty place to seat.

While they were walking, other students avoided him whenever they pass through, while at the side, when Ginny pass by, there will be a lot of junior who would come to him to chat with him.

The contrast is very astounding and Vann simply shook his head and continue to find empty seat. Coincidentally there was two just next to a gloomy looking guy.

"Hey, is this two seat available?" Vann went to that guy and simply ask, the guy did not look up at him as he speak back to Vann.

"It's free." A simple and short reply.

"Thanks." With that Vann took a seat first, taking the seat next to that guy, while Ginny sat down Infront of him.

"T-thank you Mr Leon." Ginny thanked that guy and then he smiled at Vann, and which they stated to eat their food.

Seemed that Ginny is just a super friendly person, he seemed to know most of the students here, even that guy too. With his nice personality, it's a no wonder why Vann liked him so much, as he was one of the people who do not treat him differently like how the others would.

Leon waves his hand as an okay and resume eating his food. Vann only glanced at Leon and then turn to watch the happily eating Ginny. "Hey, there's a bit of rice stuck there" Vann pointed to the left side of his cheek.

"W-wawawah, really?" Ginny took out a handkerchief and wipe them, and indeed there a bit of rice there. He ginned and thanked Vann for pointing this to him.

"It's fine." Vann put aside his empty plate and proceed to drink some of the drink he ordered, enjoying his quiet time.

Leon tho, he did not leave after he finish eating, however he turned to look at Vann with his black eyes, which his messy black hair did not manage to cover his eyes.

Vann feel a sudden chill, so he turned and coincidentally looked at Leon, "I'll leave after Ginny finish his food." Vann said with some uncomfortable feeling.

"No, you can stay." Leon stood up and walked out, his hand rubbed Vann shoulder as he pass by behind Vann, and walked to the door and left.

"?!!" Vann can feel the shudders when that hand touched him even for that short moments, confused but also feeling creeped out, he looked at the happily eating Ginny yo heal up what he had just felt just then.

Watching Ginny noms one bite per one bite, makes him feels that he's watching a small fluffy rabbit eating, with his cheek a bit swollen due to the food he is munching. "Don't rush, the class already ended and we're just returning to the dorm." Vann reached out and patted Ginny hair again.

The surrounding people stare at the two of them with widen eyes, it seem that they were shocked somehow.

Little Vann shook his head but did not say anything as he watched, it is probably because that is not how he would usually acted, but then again he had passed the control to Vann, so he can only shook his head.


Finish eating, the two of them return to their dorm, Vann send Ginny back to his room while after that he walked back to another room, after all they were not staying in the same dorm room.

Entering the room, his three room mate stare at him for a few seconds before they doing their own work, none dared to talk to him and Vann himself did not have the mood to speak, thus he just went over, take his towel and went to take a wash.


Public bath,

Since it was kinda a bit late, it is pretty empty, only one or two people were still in there taking their leisure time to wash up.

Coincidentally Vann saw Leon, but Leon does not seem to notice him. Walking to the farthest bath stall, he relaxed and enjoy the warm and refreshing feeling in there.

Fifteen minutes later, he went out and return back to his room and went to sleep early, again shocking his room mate. He did not care as all he wanted is to get enough rest for today.

He knew that Vann would go to train even during the night, though he will not talk much with his room mates, he still up for the gossip that they would chatted about, but just listening while cleaning his sword.

As for today, he behaved out of the box and had uttered more words than he usually would when he was talking with Ginny, and he also seemed to wait for Ginny to finish eating properly instead of urging him to eat faster.

That there was even that one time he would scold Ginny for eating slowly and wasting his time to go training, and that time Ginny also choked on the food and he showed a teary expression when he was scolded.

It is the reason why Ginny were trying to eat a bit faster earlier as he knew Vann wanted to go back to the dorm sooner.

Though currently inside his room, Ginny were hugging his pillow and looked at the person sitting opposite of him, he told him that Vann actually patted him on his head a few times today. And even weirded that he complimented Ginny and give him a smile, which he had never seen before even after befriending Vann for almost two years.

Leon looked at Ginny as he wiped his hair dry, "I'd say, your love potion probably finally show some success." Leon combed back his bangs and showed his clean and chiseled face, his black eyes did not show much expression as he commented that.

"I bet, in a month or two, you should be able to have him as your official pair." Leon added as he hung up his towel.

Turning around he can see that Ginny were blushing slightly, "Un, it was hard during the early on.. but worth it." He bit his lips and showed a small silly smile.

His blue eyes looked at Leon with excitement as he hugged that pillow tighter, leaning close to the pillow, he smoothed on the picture on the pillow with a red like tomato face.

Giggling he looked at Vann image on the pillow and hugged it before he lay down and sleep.

Leon only watched for a bit before he went out with his books.