Part Eight: The Great Rescue Part 1

The Great Rescue Part 1

*Two and half weeks into the outbreak*

"You wanna go eat at my house", asks Henry, turning a corner. "Yeah, sure", says Jack walking behind him.

Mack taps me on the shoulder and whispers, "We ready to go". "Yeah", I whisper back, "They're gone".

"Katana", we whisper tip toeing through the empty corridor. "Where could he be", I think to myself. "You hear that", asks Mack.

"No", I whisper back. "There's a grunting noise coming from that room", Mack says pointing at a door down the hall.

How did we even get here, you may be asking. (If you don't know read the chapters before this). Well it went something like this.

Previously on, The Z-Virus.(Yes, I'm that extra)

Jack pushes past us cowering into a corner. Katana goes over to Jack trying to protect him. When Katana is right in front of Jack, Jack pushes him making him fall on his arm.

"FUCK", shouts Ray. Which is something he shouldn't have done. The Zs turn to him and start piling up on him.

"AHHHH", I hear Katana, scream from underneath the Zs. Suddenly some men in body armor come barging into the pit and chain up the Zs, one who was our beloved Ray.

Before I could hop in Mack pulls me aside, "Shayla I have to tell you something", he says. "What is it", I ask intrigued. "Katana isn't dead", he says. My eyes enlarge, "what do you mean", I ask. "He isn't dead", he repeats himself.

"WHAT", asks Elle getting excited. "As they were dragging us out I caught a glimpse of some people dragging Katana into a room", he says hoping into the truck.

*End of recap*

Anyways, after we stalked the small town of Meadow Creek Town, we decided to infiltrate the building where we thought they had Ray.

"Ray", I whisper through out the long corridor. "Help", I hear someone scream. I take off in the direction of the distressed voice, to a door.

"Open it on the count of three", Mack says. I gently place my hands firmly on the cold handle and slowly turn it.

"Help", the person screams again. I open the door wider to find a small boy huddled in the corner of the room.

"Please help me", he says crying. "Oh God, come here kid", I say looking at the extremely stick skinny child. He couldn't be older than 10, yet at the same time he looked older.

"Elle can you take the kid back to the truck, if we don't return in 20 minutes, leave us", I say. "I'm not leaving you", she says.

"Elle, listen to me, you have to get to safety, you have precious cargo", I say looking at her stomach.

She sighs and says, "Fine, but I'm waiting 40 minutes, not 20", she says, grabbing the kids wrist.

"Come on Mack, we have to find Katana", I say moving throughout the corridor.

*And yes people I'm back, it's Yaxiri here. I know this was a very short chapter, about 500 words shorter, but be happy I at least updated.

Anyways, remember to keep safe and take care y'all.