Diagon Alley

Half a year had passed. His parents accepted his enrollment and now all that was left was to get supplies for his first year.

His parents decided that it would be best to wait until school was close to starting as they didn't want any more mishaps with Quentin's personal wand.

Quentin and his parents walked through the Leaky Cauldron and towards the back. On their way they saw a massive man with a boy around Quentin's age.

Quentin walked over to the man and child. When the man saw him he quickly looked down at the floor. "What can I do fer ye sir?" Quentin looked confused but looked to the boy. "Hello, I'm Harry." The boy said. "I'm Quentin." Quentin looked back the the large man. The half-giant looked at him and said in a small whispered voice, "My name's Hagrid." Quentin looked at the man and said, "Pleasure to meet you Hagrid." Hagrid looked at him for the first time since lowering his gaze. Hagrid smiled. "Would you like to come with me an 'arry to get supplies for school?" Quentin looked at him, "Sure."

After they talked Quentin's parents walled up and began to talk about how the might need some help as one was a muggle and the other a squib. Hagrid looked surprised at that but didn't say anything about it. They began walking out the back of the Leaky Cauldron and met with a brick wall. Quentin's parents looked confused with Quentin looked interested. Hagrid smiled and waved an umbrella and the bricks shifted revealing Diagon Alley.

Quentin looked around and saw hundreds of people all running from store to store. His parents looked at the list that came with his acceptance letter.

Hagrid looked at everyone and said, "Afraid me an 'arry are gonna 'ave to go to Gringotts to get some things." Quentin's parents looked at Hagrid and asked, "Could Quentin go with you while we buy all his books and alchemy ingredients?" Hagrid looked thoughtfully for a short time and then nodded, "I'm sure that's fine."

They headed towards Gringotts while his parents headed towards a book store.

They got to the entrance of the wizarding bank and walked inside. There were rows and rows of goblins stacking coins or writing on papers and a few looked at them as they walked past.

At the end of the hall there was one goblin looking at a paper.

*cough cough*

The goblin didn't respond.

*cOuGH CoUGh*

The goblin kept writing on his paper.


The goblin slowly looked up at Hagrid who had a small smile.

"Can I help you?" The goblin asked lazily.

"umm... Yes, 'arry 'ere needs to get to his vault and I need to pick something up for a friend." Hagrid said.


Hagrid held up two sets of keys, he handed the goblin a note, and then pointed down at Harry.

The goblin scanned the keys, read the note, and leaned over to look at Harry.


Another goblin came walking into the room from behind him.


"Take these three where the need to go." The first goblin said while handing Griphook the keys. He then gave Hagrid back his note and began writing on his paper again.

"Come with me." Griphook led them into another room where they sat on a wheeled platform.

Hagrid sat on the platform and both Harry and Quentin followed. Harry began to ask something when the platform shot forward at an alarming speed.

Soon they arrived at Harry's vault. Everyone got off the platform and approached the metal door. The goblin then put in the key and opened the door. There were piles upon piles of galleons and other things. Harry looked shocked. "It's all mine?" He looked at Hagrid. Hagrid smiled and looked at him. "Don't you go and spend it all at one place."

After Harry had grabbed a small pile of galleons they closed the door and got back on the moving platform. Before they knew it they were shooting off towards another door.

The next vault opened to reveal nothing but a small pouch. "This one's mine." Hagrid said while grabbing the pouch. Quentin looked at Hagrid with slight suspicion.

They left and raced back to the hall with the other goblins in it. "That's everything, so now you can get all the supplies you need for your first year of Hogwarts." Hagrid said while looking at Harry.

They all left Gringotts and ran into Quentin's parents.

"We got all of your books and whatnot. So all you need is your robes and wand." His mother told him.

"Have you gotten an owl yet?" Hagrid asked

"No we haven't."

"Well they can head over to Madam Malkin's while we go get some owls. And if you could help me buy 'arry's books that would be a big help. I'm a bit big, they don't like me in the stores much." Hagrid said. Quentin's parents nodded and walked with Hagrid.

Harry looked at Quentin and asked, "Do you know where Madam Malkin's is?"

Quentin nodded and started walking towards the robe shop.

They opened the door and saw Madam Malkin measuring a blonde boy with a smug look. Other than then there were robes of different colors set up all around the store. There were also rooms with curtains leading off the main room.

"And who are you?" The blonde boy asked looking at Harry.

"Oh, I'm Harry Potter."

"And you?" The boy looked to Quentin.

"Quentin Keene."

"Ah, the mudblood."

Quentin looked at the boy questioningly. "Mudblood?"

"It means that your parents aren't wizards. So all in all you're nothing but a waste of energy and resources. May as well not be a wizard."

Quentin looked on without caring. The same couldn't be said for Harry.

"That's a really rude thing to say. I think you should apologize."

The blonde boy looked at him, then to Quentin.

"Oh I'm soooo sorry. By the way I'm Draco Malfoy, you should know my father, Lucius."

Harry was about to thank Darco when he spat, "Mudblood."

Just at that time Madam Malkin stood up and away from Malfoy and said, "All done your robes will be done in a week at most." Malfoy didn't respond and just stepped off the stool he was on and shoved his way out of the store.

"who's next?" Madam Malkin asked looking to each of them.

Half an hour later both Quentin and Harry could be seen walking out of the store.

Just as they started too walk out towards Ollivander's they were stopped by Hagrid and Quentin's parents appearing. Quentin could see hagrid with a large number of books and a snowy owl in his hands. Quentin's parents had both an owl and a black cat with blue eyes with them as well as all his books and alchemy supplies.

"I thought that the letter said I could only have one pet to take to Hogwarts?" Quentin looked at his parents.

"The cat is yours, but the owl is for the family. We'll need one to send letters to you while you're at Hogwarts." His mother said. Hagrid then said, "So all that's left is yer wands."

They all started walking towards Ollivander's wand store. Quentin didn't know what to expect as they arrived at the completely wooden building.

"Makers of Fine Wands Since 382 B.C."

There were gold letters above the door. Hagrid took a step forward and held the door open for everyone to walk in. As Harry went in Hagrid gave him a slight pat on the shoulder, which almost made Harry fall over and Hagrid to smile, a little embarrassed.

The Store was covered from head to toe in small rectangular boxes of differing colors and sizes, if only a little. Quentin slowly walked towards on of the walls covered in shelves and wands, wondering what they would look like. Just as he began to reach out to one he heard a voice behind him along with the whine of wood planks.

"Does that one call to you?"

It was an older voice that Quentin didn't recognize. He turned to see an older man with messy white hair standing on a ladder attached to the layers of wands behind the wooden counter.

"No, I was just wondering what the wands would look like. Are you Ollivander?"

"Indeed I am, Garrick Ollivander"

Quentin left the stacks of boxes he was near to instead head towards Ollivander. When he reached the counter that the man was now standing behind he asked,

"How do you know what wands to give people?"

"I don't."

Quentin looked into his eyes, confused. How would he give young wizards wands without knowing how to. Then he heard Harry, who he had forgotten was there ask,

"What do you mean? If you don't know how, than how do students get their wands?"

"It isn't I who decides what wands to give Mr. Potter, I am simply the middle man."

"What does that even mean?" Quentin asked.

"I don't choose the wand, and neither does the wizard. It's the other way around in fact. The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Keene."

"But how? Wands are just pieces of wood." Harry asked.

Ollivander then looked from Quentin to Harry, and back again.

"It might not seem it, but wands can feel. They know where they are to go, and to whom. Let us leave it at that. Now, to find the wands for two new Hogwarts students."

Ollivander turned and looked at the shelves behind him and seemed to think for a while. Abruptly he turned and looked Quentin and Harry up and down. Without saying a word he spun around grabbed some cases from what they could see, put them on the table and opened them.

"Now Mr. Potter, if you would be so kind."

He was holding a light tan colored wand out in the direction of Harry. After Harry had taken the wand Ollivander continued.

"Now give it a swish."

Shattering glass was all that was heard in the store followed by a swish of Ollivander's wand and him saying, "Reparo" and "Perhaps not that one."


They had gone through dozens of wands, still not finding the right one for either of the boys. But then Ollivander grabbed a case and slowly walked towards the two of them.

"This one is just for Harry, I want to indulge my curiosity."

He handed the case to Harry, who opened it and took out the wand.

"11 inches, holly, phoenix tail-feather. Nice and supple."

Harry looked at the wand for a short while before the area around him began to glow and his hair fluttered in a non-existent wind. Ollivander, instead of smiling, had a strange look on his face.

"Curious... very curious...."

Harry looked at him and asked,

"Sorry, but what's curious?"

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail-feather resides in your wand gave another feather... just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar."

Harry looked at him a bit worried.

"And who owned that wand?"

"We do not speak his name! The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible! Yes. But great."

Quentin was confused but decided against asking any questions as it didn't seem to be the right time.

"Now with that out of the way. How about we focus on getting you your wand Mr. Keene."

Quentin nodded and Ollivander thought for a second, looking at something that wasn't there, and left towards the far shelves of his store.

When he came back, it was with a large pile of boxes in his arms. He was balancing the large pile precariously, coming close to dropping them all nearly every second. Then with a prideful sigh, he dropped them all on the counter.

"Now then, Mr. Keene I would like for you to see if any wands call out to you. Just feel around and see if any naturally draw your attention."

Quentin did as he was told and felt for any differences in the wands presented. He couldn't see the wands or feel anything. That was... until he did. One of the cases seemed irresistible. He just had to hold the treasure that was inside. Without thinking or realizing he had the case open in his right hand, a white wand in his left.

Ollivander looked surprised.

"I've slipped up. I forgot to ask for your dominant hand. If I had only done that at the beginning we could have had you paired a time ago."

Quentin heard what he was saying but was to taken by the wand. It was perfect. He could feel every edge and twist of the wood without even looking. He felt the need to do something, but he couldn't think of what.

"Give it a flick now would you."

Quentin for the first time since grabbing the wand looked up at Ollivander, nodded, and did so. He felt the power run in and out of him as the room fell away and was replaced with pure white. He heard a voice in the distance and turned around, just to see the store again.

"Very strong bond I see. You'll do wonderful things with that wand Mr. Keene, wonderful things."

Quentin looked back to Ollivander and had a question he didn't have answered.

"12 and 1/2 inches, yew, thestral tail hair. Soft yet strong. A great wand, for a hopefully greater wizard."


Quentin and Harry went there separate ways after leaving Diagon Alley, both excited and ready for the start of the Hogwarts school year.