Thunder and Storm *

"Maya, stop it!"

"But that apple looks so attractive, I must possess it."

Maya was a strange girl. Fate and fortune made me find her while I was sleeping in the shade of a beautiful tree. Well, more like she fell from the tree directly to my stomach. It was a painful encounter, but a fateful one.

She became my friend almost instantly as if cupid with his arrows of friendship was ready to shut us. That was surprising for me at least. I had never had friends like her. 

Maya didn't know anything about my notorious reputation in the school, as she was a transferred foreign student, and, of course, from a very prominent family. 

However, her humble personality didn't allow for shallow people to get near her. She dissed whoever tried to befriend her with impure intentions. Sigh… I loved how she humiliated those girls again.

Not many days later, and just like me, she was isolated. We became a pair of lonely hotties. 

"Eve, I want to go somewhere after school."

"Great! Me too!"


"Don't know. I've never been to this country before."

Me, too. "Let's look around the stores."

"Great. By the way, do you know anything about the Evans family?"

The Main Lead family? "No"

I tried to act naturally.

"Are you sure? I recalled they were pretty famous in this country."

"Maybe I know something. Why?"

"They are hosting a party soon. My father asked me to accompany him."

"I don't know much about them, just that they are very wealthy."

"Like your family."

"I think so."

"Mm, I think father wants me to... you know, seduce the young master," she raised her brow and smiled. 

"Ha, will you?" I poked her cheek. She was a cutie.

"If he looks hot, why not?"

She grinned and winked at me. I could not help but laugh. That was Maya, the most carefree girl I've ever met and also a flirting machine. The many boyfriends she had before coming here can fill a classroom or two. 

Then a notification sound came from my phone, it took me four seconds to take it out of my pocket. 

I know it was so sudden but one look at the familiar name always managed to bring out a smile on my gracious face.

I turned around to read it, but a strange presence and a breath over my neck startled me. "Is it again the secret admirer?"

Goodness, Maya's head was over my shoulder with shiny eyes. "Yes."

"Reply to him."

"Why? He must be some kind of weirdo. There are a lot around here, you know."

"Come on, Eve, you know how to find him. You should know if it is safe, right?"

Yes, of course, I know that this message came from a safe source. I have tracked it since the first day I received a message. But…

"He wants to meet me in person."


"I can't"


I met this guy in a hacker forum when I was lurking around some jobs online, and we found each other. We pretty much hit it off from the beginning and started talking about random stuff almost daily. 

I've never met him, nor his name, nor his face. Nothing, only his username, Thunder. By the way, I was Storm.

"You are a scaredy cat, darling."

"Who is scared?!"

I tickled her, and she rolled laughing in the grass. Her hair was disheveled, and our uniforms were filled with grass and leaves.

"I'll go. But you have to help me disguise."

"Of course, my lady. Leave your beautiful curves to me, this fairy godmother will make you the Cinderella of every prince, the sexy snow-white of every lustful fantasy, the…"

"Oh, shut up!"

Again, I had to punch her stomach to make her stop talking. This girl was driving me crazy. But my smile was genuine. I felt so thankful to gravity that allowed this weirdo to fall into my poor stomach.


The meeting place was in a well-known cafeteria with lots of people around and security cameras. 

I proposed the place. Well, I had to make sure that person was not some creep that was about to abduct me or something worse, right? 

Somehow it was hard to find some real info about the guy, and that made me curious. He was very good at hacking, and even if he were not an adonis, I would be very attracted to find out more about his smart mind.

We agreed to meet at the second table by the window. He told me that he made one staff reserve the table just for us. 

I only had to show him the image he sent to my phone. It was a white rabbit. How original.

While I waited I asked for a cream frappé, my favorite, as I came early, almost twenty minutes. Yes, this is how my past self operated. Careful and anxious. However, my persecution disorder was giving me trouble. 

From the moment I arrived, I felt several whispers and stares directed at me. Damn Maya, she made me wear this dress. I told her to be discreet but she...

Sigh... he will think that I have some other intentions.


I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice when a young handsome man sat in front of me. Shame on me. My cream frappé was about to reach the bottom. 

"Are... are you Storm?"

I lifted my gaze to look at the young boy. He wore a black cap and big glasses. Was he trying to cover his natural beauty? That would be a challenge, the stares from the boys were not as intense as the stares from the girls. 

He looked my age, almost seventeen, but the aura around him was impressive, even in simple clothes, a blue shirt, and casual black pants. 

Although he was young, he was tall and had some muscles. Maybe he is from a sports team. He was the total fit of a high school prince character.


"Yes. Nice to meet you."

He extended his hand, and I gave him mine. God, such a beautiful hand. I felt my nervous old maiden heart beating extremely fast. What is going on with me? It is not like me to be this anxious as a teenager. 

"Cough... Nice to meet you."

"Then..." he blushed, cute. "Would you like to go somewhere else?"

I noticed the redness on his ears, almost reaching his neck. That cute expression made my mind go crazy. Maybe my eyes were already heart-shaped.

"I don't know many places."

"Then let me tour you around," he smiled and offered me his hand.


He took my hand and I let him. I was sure my heart was sending fireworks to my head. I couldn't see anything but stars and hearts, and his face was in the middle of everything. What is going on, Eve? 

I am old in mind and shouldn't be fooling with this young lad. This must be the dirty job of my teenage hormones.