
"Good evening Mrs. Evans, the CEO is now occupied with a meeting, would you like to wait here?"

Dear Miss Rose was very polite every time she saw me. I know she was not aware of the plot, and she was not at fault, but deep down I still felt some resentment towards her for staying near my husband every single minute of the day.

"No, I will go inside."


"It's okay darling, he won't be angry, I will take responsibility."

She looked astonished and a bit upset, but what can she do? He is my husband, all mine.

I opened the door like the Queen I was, with my red tight dress and my high heels, letting them hear the sound of my every step. The two men sitting inside looked instinctively at me and smiled. The one in the main seat was my dear Liam, looking handsome in his black suit. He stood up and walked to me, grabbing my waist as many times before.

Then he pressed his lips on my red lips, and I had to hide a chuckle when the red lipstick marked his lips.

"You are all red now."

"What are you doing here, darling?" He frowned when he looked behind me. "Where are your bodyguards."

"They are outside. I didn't want to scare your employees."

The man had been paranoid since that day, so he hired several bodyguards, ex-military with high decorations in every possible security thing they could achieve. However, my dear husband didn't know that my team was also a very experienced group of people and of course, the ones that kidnapped me.

I wasn't prepared to tell him about them, he will go on a furious spree and will even try to kill Martin and the others, so I had to wait for a few days more. Hopefully, he would calm down by then.

"I wanted to discuss something with you…" then I looked to the side and acknowledged the man sitting on the couch. He was wearing a dark blue suit and a white shirt, however, the thing that was most special in every sense was his pair of clear blue eyes. The same ones that dared to taunt me the night before on camera. "Mr. Ethan Davis, long time no see."

"The famous Eve Lark, or should I say, Mrs. Evans?"

"Did you know each other?"

My dear hubby was getting a bit jealous, I could sense it, but now was not the moment. Right now, I want to obliterate this Davis idiot with my own words.

"Yes, we met… long time ago, don't you remember, Eve? We had known each other for a long time… very long time." He chuckled. "You looked so beautiful, but now, you look simply stunning, may I say."

He raised his brow in a very taunting gaze, but his eyes kept hidden something else. I could tell what he tried to achieve, and I wished that my dear could also tell and not be swayed by those misleading words

"Is that true, Eve? Did you know each other?"

"Yes, when we were young, my parents took me to one of the Davis parties. That time we were already engaged, darling."

I gave him a beautiful smile and tighten my hand on his grip.

"Then… Liam, I think I should go now. I hope the deal still stands." The man didn't even stay to be finished by me. What a coward! But it won't be that easy.

"Yes, I will consider it."

"What deal? Darling?"

"We are going to partner with the Davis family in a new lab for the Capital Hospital, darling."

"Oh, it is a big project, we should consider it carefully then, don't you think, Liam?"

I pressed his hand more tightly. He gave me a swift gaze and nodded.

"Yes, we should consider it more carefully then..."

"Until then Ethan."

He extended his hand and Liam shook his. Then with a swift move, he also took my hand in a shake and kissed the back. I felt so disgusted, if it not for my tight dress I would have kicked him somewhere which will make him cry like a baby.

"Goodbye Eve."

When he finally closed the door, I let go of a sigh of relief.

"What was that, darling?"

"I… " I didn't know where to start explaining. "I don't trust him… you know my secret team."

"Yes, and? Did Vin find something?"

"Yes, he found many shady things about his company. Please, Liam, reconsider working with him."

He looked at me with a concerned look but let go of a sigh…

"Okay, but it will be difficult to convince the board, the Davis are a prominent family. You know that even your Grandfather can't ignore them."

"I know but… "

"I know, darling. Trust me, I will find a way."

I felt his arm wrap me into a tight hug, and I could only respond to his caring words with a soft hum.

"Liam, please don't go anywhere near him."

"Shouldn't those be my words?"

I chuckled, and he smiled at me while he looked at my face.

"You know, a blonde like that with such amazing clear blue eyes near you, I would feel jealous."

"You little!"

"Pff… hahaha!" I couldn't help but smile. However, the one I was talking about was Rose, not that man. This was my way of telling him I felt so jealous.

He carried me to the desk and started to kiss me while swiftly lifting my dress.

"Stop it… I should go back."

I had to push his hard chest aside, but his puppy dog eyes were weakening my resolve, almost breaking it.

"Sighs… Liam, I really need to go now."

"But…" again those dangerous eyes, and that deep voice submitting to me. "I need you."

He sent gentle kisses to my cheeks and neck. Goodness, he is irresistible.

"Liam… stop it."

"I can't. I beg you."

I bit my lips and nodded. Dammit, he did it again! He knows I can't say no to his begging since that day.

We moved to the adjacent room of his office; he didn't even let me take my dress when he was already inside me. I felt his passion grow and grow every time we were together, and the confidence inside my heart was stronger than ever. This man loves me, and I won't let some stupid plot take him away from me.