
"You have a lot to explain."

We arrived at White Mansion after a few minutes. Goodness! James was such a crazy driver. I never thought of wanting to throw up my dinner so much and then throw myself on the ground to kiss it. Gosh, this damn brat, I will make sure to teach him a lesson later.

The moment I saw him, I wanted so much to ask him how is he here. Yet I couldn't even stay in shock for a second when he pressed the pedal, making me swallow my questions, and I have a whole bunch of them.

"Yes, sigh… I know," Ian was looking at me with tiredness… shouldn't I be the one sighing?

I sat my two brothers in front of me. They were sweating from my continuous stares. What? They should just start talking now, it is not that I am planning to beat them up.

Goodness, those faces, they look so weird.

"Then… who is that woman?"

"Alice," Ian answered, "she is Alice Sanders, from our world, she was one of the researchers on the lab."

"Then she is from our world, how is it that I didn't know about her," that damn woman is going to die in my hands, but first I must at least know her name, and why is she doing this, isn't that only proper?

"Only a small group was aware of the lab, and we all have hidden identities, only Master knew," then why on earth is she doing this?

I think that was the question of the one million.

"I don't know," he said, he just said that he doesn't know.


"I don't know why is she doing this, but I have a hunch that she is just jealous, Eve, sigh… although I don't know if she is the one that created the damn plot on the book."

James looked at me with interesting eyes, I know… I know, I am very different from my old self. I am now a mother of the most beautiful baby in the world, Her Highness, Mila.


The voice of my handsome husband interrupted our little conversation.

"Liam, why are you awake?"

"I… I don't know, but I feel better," I noticed, his tired eyes didn't look as bad as before. Just how is this happening.

"Eve, you should stay here for the time being."

"Why?" My Liam was the one to speak now, well, somehow I know he is not in a way fond of my two brothers, the busybody Maya was the one to fill all the blanks on my family story to him. Well, more like she was crazily drunk and spilled the beans without anyone asking. "Why are you here?"

My darling's eyes look so fierce, so sexy.

"Eve, I think you have a lot to explain to your husband."

Ugh… it is true… how do I say this? Will he believe me? Or not? What if he thinks I am crazy and takes Mila from me?


"This is… I have something to tell you… please, Liam, you must trust me on this, okay?"

I sat down with him, looking him in the eye the entire time, to read his expressions and, if I could, his thoughts. His brows were a little furrowed and I know he was thinking that I was joking… at first. But the looks from my brothers and my direct eyes turned down his illusions.

"Are you joking with me, Eve?"

"No… I am not, I hope so, but it is the truth."

"The… you are not from this world, and your brothers too… and someone is controlling our minds…"

This is crazy, I can't even believe it myself.


"It's okay, Eve. Come here," he opened his arms warmly. I can even see a relieved expression on his face, I had to jump to his arms right that very moment. How much I missed it. "I am sorry for pressuring you so much, I know this was difficult."

He kissed my forehead and smiled at me. Dammit, I love him so much. Then I had to take his lips, his wonderful pair of lips that I can hardly resist. I wanted so much to go further but…


Oh right, we have a full house now.

"Eve, you should stay here, for the time being, your husband too," Ian looked at my dear hubby with narrowed and deep eyes. Is that jealousy I sense?

"I think I can stay here for a few days too, what do you think, my dear sis? I want to meet my dear niece."

James began to say with his shiny smile, but somehow I could feel a murderous gaze directed to the sexy man that I wanted so much to bed, besides me.

He was already caressing my back mischievously, I am going crazy.

I clear my mouth and nodded, without saying another word. It would be crazy if I speak because I will let out a loud moan as the shameless man is making circles on my back.

"Then… I believe we should stay here for the time being, … how are you going to prevent that woman from harming us?"

My hubby was now throwing me on his shoulder like a hooligan, a fierce hooligan ready to eat me. Not that I was complaining.

"We have our own method. Shouldn't you be resting?"

"Mmm, yes, of course, I should go rest, then excuse me. Make yourselves comfortable, dear brothers-in-law," this cheeky man, just move faster, I am about to exploit.