In his Study

He kept pounding harder inside me while I was already a mess, my dress, my hair, the red lipstick on my lips, all a mess. However, the damn woman on the other side was still knocking on the door and calling the name of my dear husband with that mushy voice of hers. He didn't answer, I dared him, and I think she shamelessly leaned her ear to the door to hear. How bad manners.

"Liam, are you there?" again her voice. "Liam?" She is trying to open the door, what the heck. What a weirdo.

I would be angry and would want to go scare her a bit, but I was a bit ashamed when the man went deeper inside me and my legs kept threatening to make me collapse.

"Liam!" she called again. Goodness, she is worse than that Rose. At least, Rose had a good base for doing that, well, she was the damn Female Lead. But this woman was never in the good sight of Liam, not even once even in the book.