Perfect day

The rest of that day I spent it in the room of my dear Mila, the princess room I so wanted to steal for myself. I was playing on my computer and giving myself a few minutes of relaxation, killing some nobs in the game. I was not pouting, definitely.

"Mommy, are you still mad at daddy?"

"Why are you asking me that, darling? Did he ask you to ask me?"

"No," this little squirrel shook her head and looked down at her feet. "He is worried… and I felt that you should go to him. It is not good for my little sister for you to be that angry."

"How much?"

"I don't understand, mommy," she pouted again and jumped into my arms.

"How much did he give you to make you say those words?"

"How can you think of me like that, mommy?"