Original Body

That day the blue stone shined with an amazing light, it was so intense that my eyes stung for a while and I got blinded for a few seconds. However, the next moment I woke up, I was feeling… different and at the same time, I knew I was in another body.

How can you know you were in another body? Well, I was gaining weight the past few days, and so I kept eating a lot. I had to, the little one growing inside me demanded me lots of food. So… I ate.

Now, in this body, I could feel that the picky eater of Eve was not eating well. Why should she torment her like that? The world is filled with tasty food made with love.

"Eva, are you awake?"

"Yes," I said as I was in a bed next to another bed in my base hospital. "What about the woman?"

"She hadn't recovered her consciousness."
