The other side

The roads of the city suddenly became crowded and darker, even narrow and slower than before. My feet and my hands abruptly found the perfect combination between technique and speed to drive the car, even if some sirens were resounding behind me following me and trying to catch this beautiful piece of human creation, I couldn't help but give a damn about them.

My Liam was being threatened by a random handsome man from another world, though, it was not so random guy but a man with the same face as him. I had to stop him.

"Jano, are the men prepared?"

"Yes, boss, I sent two teams with you and the people from T&R are also coming."

"Good, tell Ian and James too," they should know a bit more about this guy's plans, so it was better for them to be on the move too.

"Yes, Boss," Jano disconnected the call and I was left with a few more seconds before I smashed my car into that front door of that gang's club.