Taking over the Hesse Org

"Hurry, Kim!"

The voice of a young petite girl echoed in the glass building. She was walking inside an immense lab loaded with computers, screens, and human-sized capsules filled with a strange blue liquid. Her thin and fragile body was walking skillfully, jumping the cables and turning on the screens.

"Wait! Stop it, Eva!" A young man was following her but her fast speed would be something he will never understand. "Goodness, don't go that fast!" He said almost breathless, "Wait for me!"

He was also jumping the cables as if he had been there thousands of times before, typing on the keyboards, lighting the screens, and powering the energy of the blue cube right in the middle of the lab. That power had always fascinated him, from the first time he was let inside, his eyes managed to follow that blue light only to find the mysteries of its origins.

"Hurry up, Kim! We are running out of time!"