Companies... *

"Eve," I heard Vin call from across the office.

Three days ago I woke up in the morning with a terrible fever. Grandpa had to secretly take me to a private hospital to get treated with urgency. 

He stayed there with me all day until I recovered. He didn't let me go even after the fever had gone down and I was feeling better.

If I hadn't threatened to run away and hide forever, he wouldn't have let me go to the office and finish my work.

I still had a bit of a cold, but it wasn't anything a little medicine wouldn't take away. Plus I had Nigel who followed me everywhere and made me the best tea ever.

"We have to finish this," I told Vin without looking away from my computer. 

We were about to release a program update for Miracle Company. The company we bought as part of the esports team.

The release was only a few days away and I wanted everything to be perfect, without any bugs.