More headcanons, others and an announcement

Inspiration: Jaguar's "real" role models are mainly: V from "V for Vendetta", Frankenstein's Creature and Doctor Strange. Partly also the song " Das Tier in mir " from E Nomine. (Voice of Jack Nicholson and Anthony Hopkins since 2000.

Originally Jaguar was supposed to have more features of Frankenstein's monster. He should have more greyish skin and all over his body and face fighting scars from wild animals and the operations from the laboratory. Furthermore he should behave more animalistic and be rather taciturn. But then I had the idea to include a love story. So I decided to make him a multi-layered character, who is a wild beast in a fight, but very gentle in himself. So a Monster with a heart of gold.

The idea of making Jaguar a pirate was not from Pirates of the Caribbean or One Piece, but because I thought "Overwatch has so many mercenaries and adventurers. Wait a minute... does it actually already have pirates?"

During his childhood in the jungle he got into the habit of walking on all fours most of the time, because he had to climb a lot and stay undiscovered. Tomala and his mother later had to spend a lot of time to drive him out of it.

Jaguar has his claws not only on his hands but also on his feet. But for obvious reasons, he has usually retracted them. Since he used them for climbing in former times.

I've been thinking forever about what he could do without being over powered. Originally he was supposed to be able to control the weather in his environment and dissolve into fog. I rejected both.

Other crew members:

Drumbie: A nine-foot-tall combat omnic. He is actually very gentle and does not talk. He is very attached to his teddy bear Rumble, if you take him away from Rumble he will go mad and destroy everything around him.

Gede: The ship's boy, was 14 when he joined the Scarlet Witch two years before the end. He comes from Tomala's tribe and literally begged Jaguar to let him come on the ship.

Lily: Is a cyborg girl with no memories. The gang found her on a Talon ship. Gede was the first one to see her when she woke up and since then the two have been inseparable.