Chapter 17: Epilogue

A few weeks later:

Jaguar was sitting in front of his fireplace, in his London home. His arm was still red and he had a bandage around it.

A petite young woman, with short brown hair, nestled herself by his side.

"So," he began. "When is the first mission to begin?"

"Wait! Angela said you have to take it easy, it's a miracle that you are still alive. But in two weeks at the most you should be ready for the mission. It goes to Ilios."

"A wonderful island."

"Yes, beautiful. I'm getting tired." she stretched out her arms for him. "Please carry me up."

He took her gently in bridal style and carried her up the stairs.

"You know? For such a bundle of energy, you're pretty lazy."

She put a finger on his chest and made circles.

"Carry me into the bedroom and I'll prove you wrong."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


Well, that is the end of our story. But this was just one of many adventures of my friend and former captain, for whom I wrote the logbook for years and still do. The ex-pirate and current Overwatch agent: Jonas Jaguar.

And so I remain, your loyal Jonsimpsons, former chronicler of the Scarlet Witch.