Chapter 11. Queen's espionnes

I live my day as if it was the last

Live my day as if there was no past

Doin'it all night, all summer

Doin'it the way I wanna


We were standing close to the runway waiting for the private jet to arrive. Now you'd be thinking that I am running away from my problem? The answer is no cause I am dead scared of flying and I can't because now I am exposed to the media plus I have meeting with parliament about my succession.

I can talk a lot in my mind but when it comes to talking or presenting things I start to shutter, so to help me are coming my friends. They have worked DSGE for 3years and helped me through my missions. They also taught me how to fight, they also provided me with emotional support and confidence. When I had confessed to them about my life tragedy, they encouraged me and told me to fight for my right. They were the reason I came back to the castle.

A white jet with 'Coldenian Royal Airplane' were painted in red, slowly descended on the runway. The impact of descend left my hair into a bird nest. I brushed my formal beige skirt and adjusted the collar of my white shirt. Through my pink glasses I could see two girls walk down the stairs. As instructed both wore formal dress but you could still interpret their personality from their dressing style.

Ink black flying around and a black leather clutch in her hand, her lips were dark red and she wore a white shirt dress. Her ink black was tied in a loose high ponytail with few locks flying out. Though no one could see her black eyes through the black rimmed glasses, her mere presence made everyone cower. Meet Valarie Brown. True to her name, she is a warrior and always loves to use violence but inside she is a big softie who loves to eat skittles during free time. I am sure that black clutch has packets of skittle. She is a hurricane mixed with a little sunshine.

Behind her was another girl with jet black hair, walking slowly and thanking everyone. She wore a navy blue sundress with white polka dot and a small slit in her dress showcasing her beautiful legs. She wore black boots and walked with grace. She had a smile on her face and her face looked devoid of misery. Meet Eirene Cabello. She is the true definitions of 'beauty with brains'. When we use to work in DSGE she use to always stay back and help us with the A.I, though she prefers peace there have been time where she has saved our arse.

Both of them walked towards me with a big smile and I ran to them to hug both of them. We stayed like that for a long time before I lead them to my car. We quickly got into the car and headed towards the castle. From the corner of my eyes I can see both of them extend their hands towards me. I hand them over the files which were quickly snatched out my hands. After the conversation with them last night, they asked me for the file of everyone who was staying in the castle and is in contact with me. Their first reaction to Bates capturing me to the conversation was to murder Bates. I commanded them to not to do so as there was something not right and we had to find it out, also I needed a good reason to kill him and then answer the court.

Both the girls were stressed out, though I tried to explain to them that they should not sweat it and rather enjoy their stay in the castle but they would pay me no heed. Both the girls have been very protective of me, they have always have accept me as a family even if I am tangled with problems and emotional stress. They would always welcome me with open arms and have always helped me through my trauma.

We reach the castle and I can see the vibes change from 'Let's plan a murder' to 'Lets enjoy this vacation'. "Damn!" Valerie commented loudly on seeing the castle. I laughed and lead them to the castle. I could hear a lot of comments from both the girls on the castle. Our first stop was the kitchen, duh! I took the snack plates, I really need them to butter up.

I carried the plate to the girls' room who had changed into much more comfortable clothes: Pajamas. Both of them started to rummage from the files as I gave them deadly threats to not eat food without me.

Skirts, shirts, evening gown, formal dresses and heels are the most hated things by me. I quickly dump the skirt & shirt and changed into more comfortable clothes aka pajamas. It was a sentimental pajamas. With my first pay, I bought these pajamas, not a common first pay thing but I did it anyway. After changing I wasted no time to quickly run through the corridor and knock on the door to invite someone. "Whose there?" a frightened voice answered through the door. I roll my eyes, "Cayden it's me! Giana. The Queen's espionnes (spies) have arrived."

When we were small I once pranked Cayden by knocking on his door in the middle of the night and the spurting ketchup in his face. From that day onwards he has never opened the door without asking who was there. Talk about childhood trauma!

Before he could mutter a word, I tugged his long sleeves and pulled him through the corridor to the girls' room. The feeling of wind brushing through my face was foreign yet familiar, it felt just like childhood. Me and Cayden running through the corridor chasing each other, knocking plates and giggling, not worrying about the future. There were times we would stay locked up in our room talking about the possibilities of the world but never of our own because we were bounded to our own destiny.

I opened the door and saw the girls already munching the snacks. My wide smiles dropped down as I felt anger bubbling in me. I cleared my throat, trying to catch their attention. Eirene and Valerie both froze in their position, they slowly turned around with a look of horror plastered on their face. They ate without me and the snacks plate was now empty!

"You ate my biscuits so now I will eat your skittles!" I thundered on them. From the corner of my eyes I could see Eirene scramble on her feet and run to the other side of the room for refuge. Cayden looked confused, he couldn't understand why I was fighting for a biscuit but I didn't even have breakfast today and I was hungry. This situation would have been funnier if I was not angry but I was. "You will not eat all my skittles or else I will pour cement in your ears." Valerie barked immediately going into protective mode

"Ooh I am scared. No I am terrified so much that I will eat all those skittles in front of you!" I replied sarcastically. Before World War 3 could start Eirene appeared before me and offered me some éclairs, they smelled like the ones we had in Scandanevia. She knew how to calm me when I was food-hungry. Looking at the cylinder shaped éclairs with melted chocolate, instantly cooled down my anger. Finally some good fucking food! Considering that I had to get up early to pick up the girls from the airport cursed me with missing my breakfast.

I looked at Valerie and saw that she was stuffing all the skittles in her clutch, she then inserted a lock in the opening of the clutch so that no one can open it. She slipped the key in her pocket and then turned to me with challenging eyes. I smiled guilty and hugged her, softly whispering "Truce." Both Valerie and I are very emotional about food, though Eirene say we are mad but I am sure that the readers understand.

Cayden was leaning on the door trying to understand what we were doing. Seeing the girls give him a suspicious look, I introduced Cayden to the girls who in turn had very different response, while Eirene gave a little bow and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you." Whereas Valerie awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do. Cayden told Eirene the 'don't do the whole-bow down to greet you thing', because they were my friends. Breaking the growing conversation, I spoke up

"We have gathered here today to discuss a very important matter, we have a murderer in the castle who is trying to kill the heir to the throne: Me. All I know is that it is not Bates but someone who is trying to stay in the shadows." In no time Val and Eirene's faces were devoid of emotion and they sprung into action. Valerie and Eirene laid out the files I gave them. They started to ask both me and Cayden questions about everyone. "So this Question is for Regiana, Can you tell us about Nadia and please don't say bad things about her because you ar-" Before Valerie could smartly mouth off about me, I leaned forward and covered her mouth. I nervously looked towards Cayden who was looking back at me with wide eyes but quickly looked away.

"To say the truth, Nadia is always in her room doing I don't know what or with Cayden. I haven't seen her anywhere else. Cayden why don't you give us an insight about Nadia's activity and don't be afraid to mention personal details." I tried to answer as sweetly as I could while keeping my jealously at bay.

Cayden blushed and happily replied, "She and I don't meet very often so my observation is the same as Regiana." All our eyes widened at his explanation. He doesn't meet his own fiancée every day? Valerie asked in a innocently confused tone but I could sense the hint of sharpness and suspiciousness that she hid, "She is your fiancée, for god sake! How come you both of you don't meet and literally stick to each other!" Valerie quickly popped some skittles to calm down and partially because both Eirene and I were glaring at her. I looked at Cayden with look of suspicion.

What Valerie pointed out was true. I have observed that Cayden and Nadia don't seem to not talk much even if they would see each other, they would walk past as if not known to each other.

"I don't think that matters." Cayden said coldly, quickly dismissing the topic. From the corner of my eyes I could see Valerie squinting her eye and judging him. I quickly shift the topic to our next client. Cayden wasn't much interested and announced that he was retiring to bed. He mumbled goodnight and went away.

I saw Eirene springing up, wanting to tell me something but I held out my hand to stop her. "I know what you guys are thinking but Cayden can never do such things trust me! Maybe he is having relationship problems but hurting me can never come to his mind. He is too naïve. Plus he never knew that I come back until he landed in Coledania and I was kidnapped the same day. I going to take my beauty sleep, you'll should sleep too. Sweet dreams" I got up and went away to my room while caught up in a mist of thoughts. Is Cayden involved in my kidnaping