The Secret Is Out

Tasnim…her name keeps rolling off my tongue, the very same one that only hours ago explored parts of her body. And how I desire to explore her even further, conquer her with every inch of me. The very inch that is so pounding, the woman is going to be the death of me.

One of these days, she will wake up next to me. But rights now, I am woken up by my mother, that seems to be quite up in a stir.

"Hey, mom."

"Morning, Carson."

"I am guessing this is not a casual chat?"

"Your father is waiting for you in the study; I must warn you he is up in a roar about something."

"God, I hope it is not about Veronica again."

"Is it the same one that left this here last night?"

Much to my embarrassment, she picks up Tasnim's panties that fell to the floor as I got undressed last night. I grab them from her hand and tuck them under my pillow.

"Lucky not; I don't even think Veronica has enough class to wear something like that."

"I do agree with you there, Carson; I think you should go see what your father wants."

"Tell him I will be down in five minutes; I need to check up on the girl that is missing those."

"Hahaha. You are up to no good again. I hope this girl is worth it; I have not seen you so happy in a long time."

After my mother leaves my room, I quickly get dressed and grab my phone. If Tasnim feels anything like me, she should be awake by now. I send off a message to her as I start leaving my room.

"Morning, Tasnim. Are you feeling a bit…naked…this morning?"

It does not take long for her to answer.

"You are a real clown so early in the morning. I am sure you were sleeping with them held to your nose."

"Hahaha. Wouldn't you like to know? So, I will see you later."

"See you later, Carson."

With a huge grin on my face, I make my way down through the kitchen into my father's office. And oh, he does look like his head is about to explode.

"Close the door, Carson."

"Morning, father."

"Did you have a good evening last night? You and Veronica had dinner?"

"Yes father, I took her out as you said."

"And what did you guys do?"

"Well, it is dinner, so we ate. And she went on and on about her sister's wedding."

"Sound quire boring to me."

"It was indeed."

"Anything else exciting happens last night?"

"No, like I said, very boring."

He goes to take something from the table's drawer and slams down a copy of People's Tabloid in front of my face. To say that I am shocked would be a slight understatement, but some part of me is not even surprised. I can only utter one word as he has clearly caught me off guard.


"Indeed fuck, indeed! What the hell were you thinking?"

"Not clearly a lot at that moment."

"Who is this woman?"

"Her name is Tasnim father."

"In the ladies' bathroom! Serious Carson! Could you not have done it in another place?"

"Well, if I went to the parking lot, Veronica would have seen me."

"This is not a joke! You have made yourself like a fool. And what happens when you do that?"

Here he goes, always believes that my actions affect him. That my reputation puts him in such a bad light, then how come do people fear him. He should be happy that I have finally found someone that I would love to spend time with.

"I want to meet this woman. How have you hidden her away from me?"

"Because I have only recently started seeing her father."

"Well, she is coming for dinner tonight."

"She can't tonight; she is busy."

"Best she unbusy herself. We will see you at eight tonight. You may go now; I have to put out the fir you started."

"I am sure Veronica can get over herself."

With that, I leave my father and head my way into the kitchen. I grab a cup of coffee before I send a message over to Tasnim.

"We have got a little problem."

"Carson Antoni has a problem. Oh, I would love to hear this."

"You are coming for dinner tonight. My father wants to meet you. And I already tried; he is not taking no for an answer."

"Little my ass. Your father, Foster Antoni, wants to meet me? To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I will grab you a copy of People's Tabloid. Send me your address; I will see you in an hour."

"Are you telling or asking?"

"A bit of both."

…Tasnim POV…

An hour is not enough; how does he expect me to shower, wax, dress, and do hair and makeup in such a short time. But wait, his father wants to meet me? What is in that sleazy tabloid magazine that I need to know of? What has Carson gone and done now again?

But who needs to buy a magazine when you can see it on your phone. I grab my phone off from the charger and start punching in the name. Not long, and the front cover pops up on my screen.

"Oh my god!"

I shout so loud it startles Jessie, and she comes running into the room to see what is wrong.

"Girl, are you okay? What is wrong?"

I hand her my phone and show her the picture. Some eager snapping photographer snapped a photo of Carson and me getting all hot and heavy against the bathroom wall.

Tammy sneaks up behind to get a good peak for herself. "Damn, that is hot! What is he like?"

"You got to tell us," Jessie drops down onto my bed, getting ready for kiss and tell. "Is the man just as hot down there as he looks?"

"Nothing happened; he just kissed me."

"Girl," she points at the screen of my phone again. "He clearly has your panties in his hand."

I take my phone back from her to check. Carson is clearly standing there with my lace panties dangling from his fingers; it must have been just before he scrunched them and put them into his pocket.

"Dammit. He took them off before I could even stop him."

"Mmm…" Tammy smiles as she takes her spot on the bed as well. "I am starting to like this man."

"Well, that man is on his way here."

As soon as she sat, Jessie jumps off from the bed, "I think then it is time for me and Tammy to make ourselves scarce."

Exactly an hour later, I find him standing all hot and sexy in my doorway. This is so dangerous, being alone with this man with nowhere to run or hideaway. This truly does spell trouble in so many ways.

"Hey, Tasnim."

"Hey, Carson."

"Are you going to keep eating me up with your eyes and let me in?"

"Yes…sorry…I… Please come through to the lounge. Do you want some coffee?"

"Do I look like a coffee-drinking man?"

I know exactly what he looks like. He has unbuttoned his shirt even lower, for he knows I will be staring at his bare skin trying to imagine him without that shirt on, being able to see those rock hard abs. He is doing it on purpose; he wants me to imagine him naked.

"You look like a lot of things, but definitely it ain't coffee. Can I grab you a beer then?"

"Sure, only if you come to sit with me."

This man is up to no good; I can smell his mischief a mile away.

"So dinner is only at eight; it is like hours from now."

"I can always leave and come back later?"

"No. I mean…you are already here. I was just wondering."

"Are you scared to be alone with me, Tasnim?"

"I am definitely not scared of you, Carson."

Of course, I am scared of being alone with him; if he had his way, I would already have been naked by now. Maybe because I want to do that to him, it does not mean he wants to do it to me.

Very reluctantly, I go and take a seat next to him, my thoughts have not even run its course, and he is ready to devour me.

"Can I kiss you, Tasnim?"

"Are you being polite today?"

"I can't take advantage of you in your own home. Now, if it were mine, then I would have you naked in my bed by now."

"You not getting me naked in my bed either."

"It was never my plan. All I want to do is kiss you."

…Carson POV…

If only Tasnim knows that I like playing games. I know she sees me as a grab and take kind of man, but what she does not know is how I truly feel about her. There is the biggest part that wants to take her, but the far better part says I should be patient.

I see her big brown eyes staring at me with a whole bundle of questions on her face. The minute she smiles and gives in to me, I start to slide my right hand around her neck. My fingers tangle in her hair; I knot it together and pull her head to the side. I slowly but ever so slowly run my tongue from the edge of her shoulder up to her neck. I place my lips against her ear and softly whisper.

"Do you know what I am going to do to you?"


Before she can answer, I have her pushed down and pinned into the couch. I lean into her ear and bite her earlobe.

"Are you going to lay still?"

I curl my fingers into the seams of her black tank top, and bit by bit, ever so slowly, I pull it over her breasts and over her head. I toss it over to the far side of the room. Her sunkissed skin glows in the afternoon light that floods through the window. She is wearing a red lace bra, a beautiful contrast against her chocolate brown hair that is tumbling over her shoulders.

I move her hair away from her shoulders and kiss her neck for a brief moment, long enough to hear her moan. My fingers move away from her shoulder, and I run them over the contours of her breasts. I can see her nipples press hard and erect through the fabric of her bra. I run them back over and to her cleavage. Then I stop to kiss her from her breasts to her stomach, liking and using my fingers all at once. I watch as her body squirms from pleasure; I have not even truly touched her yet.


"I am going to make you beg for it."

I run my hand down her thigh and draw circles over her leg. I crawl my body down and touch every part of her naked flesh. I start placing sensual kisses up her leg. Her leg trembles at my touch. One by one, I kiss her up her thigh. I grab hold of her panties and pull them over her waist. I continue to kiss and nibble until I am inches away. I breathe a deep breath and pull them down over her legs and off from her feet. I run my tongue once more up her inner leg, coming oh so close to tasting her.

I run my fingers through the crease of her inner leg, merely grazing the part of her body that she wants me to touch the most. I run them back up her stomach and between her breasts. Her body is sliding underneath me like a block of ice. The moans that escape her lips are like music to my ears. Then I stop and whisper to her.

"I think these are wet," I hand her lace panties, and she looks at me in shock. "We best get going; my father hates it when I am late."