Laying Your Heart Bare

...Tasnim POV...

Yesterday was absolute torment. First, I found out that I am supposed to be some Mafia Queen, and then Carson hits me with a bomb. What am I supposed to do with something like that? You can't just lie to someone, and then the next moment you tell them that you are falling in love with them. He is Carson Antoni; what does he even begin to know about love!

And so do the girls agree, well, maybe not Jessie. I hate how she is always the sensible one. When she is not talking nonsense and joking around, she does actually give good advice. But if I am going to follow it is another story. I am not giving into Carson's lies, not now, and definitely not ever. One message proclaiming his feelings for me does not change a thing.

"Tasnim, just give the man a chance; who says he is even in on it?"

"Fair Jessie, but how did he know all about it?"

"Maybe because his father is Foster Antoni?"

"Still, he should have told me that night at dinner, but no, he will rather play his silly sex games."

"Really? You were playing them just as well, if even not better."

Then Tammy jumps in. "At least hear the man out saying the big "L" word is not easy for a guy. Can you even imagine how hard it was for him?"

"Fine, I will think about it, but right now, we must get to work."

...Carson POV...

What a fool I made of myself last night. To think I even send that message makes my stomach toil in butterflies. But those butterflies feel like they are dying, for she did not even send a word. This damn feeling has consumed me so much that I just had to tell her. Now the chances that she will speak to me are even less than before. And that means if she ever speaks to me at all.

But right, my father is so eagerly waiting for me downstairs to get all the details from last night. Which one would he like to hear first? That Tasnim knows or that I am in love with the daughter of a man he despises the most.

"Carson tell me what happened last night?"

"Very long story short, Antoni Vega's presence forced the truth to come out."

"What is she going to do about this? Take her father's place?"

"As I said, I don't know. She is not talking to me."

"You know that if she steps up, I cannot allow this relationship."

"In all respect, father, I am not running things, and I shall continue to see her."

"What hold does this exotic dancer have on you?"

"She has my heart. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go get back the only woman I will ever love."

...Tasnim POV...

Being at work is strange now that I know that I don't have to. But, this is something I enjoy even if people like Foster Antoni does not approve. How awkwardly funny it shall be if the head of the Devereaux Crime Family is nothing but an exotic dancer. Guess that could be a great story to tell your grandchildren one day.

But life goes on after Carson Antoni, and even though I have enough to never work for another day, I must still get out there and put my best fake smile on. Will Carson come here as always, or shall he now choose to stay away? What am I going to do when I see him? Guess that is something I don't know until it happens.

I have about fifteen minutes before I need to be out; it gives me enough time to run my routine in my head again. Butterflies are turning in my stomach. Am I nervous about doing my show, or being I nervous to see him again? It might even explain why I am changing my outfit for the third time now.

I slip on some fishnet stockings, a one-sleeve black crop top. I adjust my tiny pink panties before I pull a pair of mini short shorts on. And last and definitely not least, a coat of my deep cherry red to match my extra high stilettos. I give myself a last look in the mirror, and I head my way to the back of the stage.

"Are you ready, Tasnim?" Kyle gives me the same wicked little smile as he always does.

"How do I look?"

"As beautiful as ever."

"Then let's do this."

I pout my lips and blow a kiss at Kyle; I plump my breasts and wiggle my ass. It is time to breathe, Tasnim, breath. The show must go on.

"Gentlemen, give it up for Tasnim."

...Carson POV...

As I walk downstairs into the club, I hear Kyle call out her name. Just hearing every syllable of her name makes those damn butterflies to react again. If I thought that this was going to be easy, well, think again. This woman has so much power over me; I am not leaving here tonight until she is mine again.

When I make my way to our table, her eyes instantly meet with mine. The fake smile on her face makes it hard to tell if it is for the crowd or me. But lets us not forget how sexy she looks in that outfit; I wish it were me taking them off behind the closed doors of my room.

But then, when she comes to slip off her shorts, her pink panties catches my attention. Did she do it for me, or is it just a coincidence, whichever? It still makes me smile.

Micah sees me smiling, and he but only taps me on the back. He had to sit and listen to me the whole day, telling him how much I am in love with a woman that is clearly forbidden. I am Carson Antoni, and I am about to break the rules.

"Go for it, man," Micah urges me on. "You are the one holding the rule book. Be yourself and don't listen to what your father dictates for you."

"Believe me, Micah, those days are over. Nobody is keeping my princess from me."

...Tasnim POV...

That must have been the longest twenty minutes of my life. Trying not to look at him was indeed difficult, then he still sits there and smiles as if nothing happened yesterday. But there was something different in his eyes, something he is very bad at hiding. Apart from being somewhat puffy, there is a deep sadness within them.

As I make my way back to the dressing room, I cannot but worry about what I am going to do next. I have to get out onto the floor, and I cannot refuse if he asks me to sit with him.

Then all of a sudden, the dressing door flies open, and I hear a familiar voice speak.

"Everyone out!"

I see this man coming up to me. Why must he look so damn sexy? He has those black skinny jeans, with a shirt that only but shows his toned muscles bursting from it. Then, of course, my heart feels the need to skip a beat, and those silly butterflies begin to flutter.

"Carson, you can't be in here."

"If it is a rule, then it is meant to be broken."

"What do you want?"

"To get back what is mine, princess."

"I don't belong to you, Carson."

"Well, I belong to you, princess, so I guess we have a little problem."

"I don't even know what to do with you if I had you."

"At least just take me and figure it out later."

"Carson, I don't even know how I feel about you."

"I am not asking you to feel anything for me, princess."

"Then, what then?"

"You have a piece of me; I want you to hold onto it until you know what you want to do with it."

I can see the desperation in his eyes, not the kind that makes you crawl, but the kind of a man pleading to have something he so badly wants. Does he truly feel this way about me? I can see that he is for real; this is not just another Carson Antoni moment that he knows how to play well.

"But we are not meant to be together, Carson."

"Who said that? Before I left home this morning, I told my father what I feel for you."

"And what did he say?"

"Nothing. Because I am not allowing him to tell me what to do anymore."

...Carson POV...

I know I am sounding desperate, and it is crazy. She needs to understand that I cannot lose her. I will give up everything if I have to for her. But I don't see that look in her eyes; I do not see that feeling I am feeling. After all, she is good at hiding her true feelings away from anyone; maybe she does, I don't know. I just wish I knew what she is feeling, or does it even matter? All I know is that she needs to know how I feel about her.

"Listen, princess; I can't force you to feel anything or even spend time with me."


"Please let me finish. You see, since I have met you, my life has not been the same. Believe it or not that you made me change in a good way."


"Wait, please. You have made me do and feel things I have never had before. I don't; in fact, I know, it is near damn impossible to carry on without you."


"No, Tasnim, I need you to listen to this. I am so in love with you. I need you more than you know. I need you to give us a chance."
