Time To Reveal Your Surprise

...Tasnim POV...

Carson is being very secretive about this surprise. We have been through a round of twenty questions, and I am nowhere near to knowing what it is. I can't say that he knows me that well to know what I do and don't like. But then again, he is a playboy that is only now starting to figure out what a woman is about. The chances that it is a good surprise could possibly be sIim.

We both have decided not to mention the messed up situation of today, well at least not for now. As Carson says, it is the problem of our parents, not ours. Sadly, their mistakes are affecting us. He has always looked up to his father; this has just crushed his heart to pieces. As for my dad, he is just made up of a bunch of lies himself. I can safely say that Carson nor I shall be forgiving them any time soon.