Taste Of Cotton Candy

In front of me is the woman that I have desired since the moment that I laid my eyes on her. She has been in and out of my reach for far too many times, well this shall be the last, this time I am getting her back and I am keeping her.

But god, she smells divine, I forgot the jasmine and vanilla, the scent that she carries so well. And as I stand and admire her beauty where she is standing in front of me, all I can think of his touch those deep cherry lips of hers. But I can see that she is torn between what choice to make, so I stand to go to her. I do not even think that I should make such a bold step so soon, but once again I am going to try.

"Tasnim, please can we go somewhere to talk?"

"Carson, as I said to you before, there is nothing to talk about."

"Please, just give me one minute."

"Fine, you have sixty seconds."