Missing In The Dark

We cannot find Carson.

His phone is off, and there is no sign of him at his house. His car is in total disarray, and it is very clear that there is a struggle that has taken place. I told Mason that we should call the police, but she said no, we must first check if he is at her home.

We have just stopped in front, and there is no sign that he was even here. Mason, though, is acting rather weird. I have asked her a few times now to tell me what is going on, and all he says is that he is just worried about Carson. Now, while I am standing in the kitchen, I can hear her in the lounge talking to somebody on the phone.

"Carson is missing."

He pauses, and I am only assuming that he is listening to the person on the other side. Then he speaks again.

"You need to come. I am here with Tasnim."

Once again, she goes quiet.

"Tasnim is his fiance."