Holding On For A Miracle

Much to my annoyance, they have forced me to come home this morning; as I drive past where the accident happened; my heart drops out my chest, and my feet start trampling it.

But then I get home, and it just multiplies. I can feel her presence; I can hear her laughter in the hallways of my heart, I feel her warmth in the passages of my heart. She is forever edged into my body. I can feel her touch, I can smell the scent of her perfume. I miss her so damn much.

I don't want to be here. I want to be with Tasnim.

So I make my way outside with a beer and my notebook. I pray as I fill these pages that I will be able to show them to Tasnim one day. But for now, they are my own escape from reality and the only link I have to her.

"My dear Tasnim,