An Early Engagement

What is Joseph Devereaux doing in my house?

Do I hide? Or do I take the asshole on?

There is that minor little detail of revenge still that I have put off until this arranged marriage is sorted out?

So I hide. I am so dead; he is ripping my head off today. I have laid my greedy little paws on his baby girl when I am not supposed to, and I am going to pay.

I need to get these pants on and find a closet fucking fast.

So I scope out the room and find the best place I can find...that huge walk-in closet of hers.

I make a somewhat nervous dash with shorts and underwear in hand.

Tasnim grabs a bathrobe and quickly covers what was nearly mine if her goddamn father did not come and spoil my fun.

Once I am neatly hidden behind a bunch of fur coats, she goes to open the door with a rather flushed face.

"Hey, daddy."

"Hey, my baby girl. Did you make it home safe?"

"Yes, that man is the rudest asshole I have ever met."