Daddy Ji Slept With Mommy? (2)

Xiao Bao furrowed his brows and nodded. Perhaps his little sister was right. They both had no idea what time their Mommy came home last night. 

"Do you think we should knock on his door?" Little Star suggested. 

Seeing that they had no other choice but to check the only room they haven't checked yet, Xiao bao agreed with his sister. The sound of their light pattering feet could be heard from the hallway before both of them stopped just outside Qin Jiran's door. 

The little buns shared a knowing look before nodding to each other. On cue, the little boy raised his fist and knocked on the door. 

"Uncle Ji, are you there? It's already morning." Xiao Bao called out for their Daddy Ji, but there was no response from inside the room. 

Xiao Bao frowned and looked at his sister. "Perhaps, he's not home."