Moyu Doesn’t Hate You (2)

Like what Auntie Lu had told Feng Tianyi, Tang Moyu's mind was really preoccupied with thoughts about the company these days. Even with Gu Yuyao's help, she still had to face a mountain of workload waiting on her desk to be finished. 

Thankfully, her assistant, Cheng Ning was very efficient with her work. Cheng Ning had sorted her schedules and paperwork according to their importance. She also declined all the invitations for parties and banquets for the whole month because Xiao Bao forbade his mother from attending one.

However, at the end of the day, Tang Moyu's thoughts always end up in the memory of hearing Qin Jiran's words to Xu Wenyang before he and Qian left for their second honeymoon.

"When I'm around, who would dare to harm her?"

Tang Moyu placed down her pen and rested her forehead on one hand while Cheng Ning picked up the documents she had just finished reviewing, noticing how unusually quiet her boss was these days.