Is He Yours? (1)

"Because I have to meet someone here and I thought I should bring Xiao Bao with me since no one is around to look after him," Feng Tianyi half-lied. In fact, Xiao Bao would be fine back home at Peach Blossom Garden. But since he couldn't just leave the child alone in that huge house, he decided to let the boy tag along with him and Song Fengyan. 

"Stop it, Uncle Yan! You stink!" Xiao Bao pinched his nose while pushing Song Fengyan's face away from him with his other hand. "Did you smoke again?" He said with disgust.

"Alright. You got me." Song Fengyan conceded. It was the real reason he'd left the boy earlier, but he didn't expect that Xiao Bao would roam around and bump into the Empress Dowager himself. 

"Why don't you take Xiao Bao outside? I'll follow you shortly." Feng Tianyi told his cousin, not wanting Xiao Bao to witness him arguing with his mother.