Collecting the Interest (1)

Feng Tianyi understood where she was coming from. The need to protect her children is stopping her from seeking revenge, but he was different. His birthright as the firstborn son of the Feng family had been taken from him. 

Even if Tang Moyu was willing to overlook Feng Tianhua's impertinence, Feng Tianyi couldn't. His half brother had debts he needed to settle not only to Tang Moyu, but to him as well. No matter if he was able to walk or not, it wouldn't change the fact that Feng Tianhua and his mother had taken everything that was supposed to be his. His hatred was not something he could easily let go no matter what his mother or Tang Moyu thought of it. 

"But you have me now, Moyu. Can't you share some of your burden with me? You don't have to worry about your children's safety, your safety alone no more. Won't you consider it at all?" He asked curiously. 

Tang Moyu didn't answer him, but instead looked at him for a moment before shaking her head.