You Dare to Call My Mommy Ugly?! (2)

Xiao Bao and Little Star had been wondering why their Mommy and Daddy Ji taking so long to come back. While they had convinced their Mommy to talk to their Daddy Ji, they weren't certain about the problem. They could only hope that both of them would talk and settle their problem as soon as possible, because they didn't want to see them drifting from each other again. 

"Yu Gege, do you think they're okay? Mommy hasn't come back. Neither had Daddy Ji." Little Star asked her twin brother in a low voice, watching Auntie Lu, who was cleaning the kitchen in preparation for dinner, from the corner of her eyes.

The little boy crossed his arm over his chest and shut his eyes as they sat idly on the couch inside the guest house, waiting for their mother's return.