Do You Hear What My Butt Said? (1)

The morning sun was bright over Peach Blossom Garden, the sky was a vibrant blue with a few cotton ball-like clouds occasionally rolling past it. The weather was starting to get warmer as summer approaches. The light streamed through the wide sliding windows of the guest house, illuminating the whole house.

Song Fengyan was sitting in the living area with Little Star on his lap as he held an open book in front of them. The girl was clearly displeased that she was subjected to these recap lessons before she and her Yu Gege started attending pre-school again. 

Her Uncle Yan was reading out a book to her like she was some sort of a kid who had no idea what common animals were. She should be studying with her Yu Gege and Daddy Ji, who was teaching her brother addition and multiplication in the corner of the living area. 

Why couldn't she be as good as her mommy and Yu Gege when it comes to numbers anyway? That was unfair!