Saving the Deal With Ye Corporation(1)

The very next day, Lu Tianxin called for an emergency meeting with Tang Moyu and Gu Yuyao. She shared the photos and videos that she managed to secure during her site inspection with Ye Xiaozu. She was clearly disappointed with what she'd seen at the site. 

Tang Moyu's eyes narrowed as they reviewed the videos while Gu Yuyao tapped on the reports they gathered from the experts with her fingers in annoyance. They had already expected the worst-case scenario for this project, but they still couldn't help but be disappointed. It was clear that the project with Ye Corporation was totally out of hand.

"Looks worse than what I thought it would be," Gu Yuyao admitted. 

"I agree, although I don't know that much about constructions, it's obvious that it is too far from completion." Lu Tianxin agreed with her assessment.