The Black Nightingale (2)

"Moyu? What is it?" Li Meili answered her call. She sounded as if she'd just awoken from her sleep. 

Tang Moyu didn't need to wait for too long for her friend to answer. The empress put the call on loudspeaker, allowing everyone around her to hear what Li Meili had to say. 

"Hey, remember the Cosmic red dress you gave me three years ago? Say, did you make another one of it? Because someone here is claiming that she's wearing the Cosmic red dress you gave me. How is it possible?" She questioned her best friend, purposely avoiding mentioning Li Meili's name since The Black Nightingale hated being stalked by the media. 

"What bullshit are you talking about, Moyu? You know that I only make one dress and never replicate or reproduce them." Li Meili's voice now was filled with indignation. She was disturbed from slumber just because someone bragged about her craft which ended up being fake?