Our Future Daddy (2)

Feng Tianyi woke up that morning feeling terrible. Although his muscles weren't sore on that day, he felt terrible. Waves of heat coursed through his blood, cold sweat glistened on his features. His eyes sunken and his skin sallow, everything ached, everything sagged. 

The glass of water stared at him from the bedside table, he took the medicine and sipped water, then he plopped back onto his pillow. His stomach had settled, but that was likely because he hadn't eaten a bite in over thirty hours, not since the vomiting last night. 

He suddenly felt cold again and pulled the blankets closer around his neck. He shivered in the heat. By now he realized that he had caught the flu. Oh, what a great time to get sick. He totally lost his chance to spend the day with the elusive empress and her twins.