To Deny This Little Voice in My Heart (1)

The devil rarely regretted something, but when he does, he would always make sure to not commit the same mistake again. As he was being rushed to the hospital, in the backseat of Gu Yuyao's car, the only thing on his mind was how Little Feiyu was faring. 

He shouldn't have allowed the little buns to tag along with him. He should've just left them with Auntie Lu and inspected the construction of the pond in the garden alone earlier. While he was busy talking to Little Star who was sitting on his lap, the construction manager had assured him that the pond and the waterfalls would be fully functional before the day ended. 

The shining sun beamed on the workers relentlessly working on their vast garden, careful not to ruin anything in the process. Feng Tianyi had decided to do the renovations now, while he and the little buns were still deciding on which crops to plant for the coming season.