Tang Moyu Loves Me Back! (2)

Feng Tianyi's jaw dropped. His eyes widened in shock and words forgotten after hearing what the empress said. Was he hearing things or did Tang Moyu actually say that she loved him too? This… he didn't know how to react but he definitely wouldn't turn her down! 

"Moyu, are you sure?" 

He should be happy that she was giving him her answer right now, but he couldn't help but think that she was just pitying him, or worse, she might be saying it out of gratitude. 

Tang Moyu nodded in response. 

"Yes." She reaffirmed her answer. "I hope you won't turn back on your word now." 

"Never," Feng Tianyi replied without hesitation. The right person would never leave his or her better half, so why would he leave Moyu when she's everything he'd wanted?

His heart, if he had one, leapt in joy in her admission. Normally, whenever his exes said the L-word to him, he started to lose interest in them. He would simply turn the other way and never look back.